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Capteur à ultrasons
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Capteur à ultrasons
Ultrasonic Sensors have become a common tool for many industrial, commercial, and laboratory applications due to their accuracy and reliability. These devices provide an easy-to-use and cost-effective solution for precise liquid level measurement and fluid handling control.
Omega Engineering offers a comprehensive selection of ultrasonic sensors that provide accurate and dependable non-contact measurement. Our two-wire, loop-powered, reflective, and non-contact ultrasonic level transmitters are ideal for a variety of tasks, and our short, medium, long, and extra-long range ultrasonic level/distance transmitters are highly accurate.
Omega Engineering offers a comprehensive selection of ultrasonic sensors that provide accurate and dependable non-contact measurement. Our two-wire, loop-powered, reflective, and non-contact ultrasonic level transmitters are ideal for a variety of tasks, and our short, medium, long, and extra-long range ultrasonic level/distance transmitters are highly accurate.