Call us at 1-888-826-6342
-20°C to 250°C temperature range thermal imager with reporting and Analysis Software. Accuracy ±2% of reading or 2°C.
Product Number | Form | Minimum Temperature Measurement | Maximum Temperature Measurement | Field of View | Display Resolution | Measurement Mode | Software | Additional Option |
-20°C (-4°F)
250°C (482°F)
45° x 34°
80 x 60 pixels
Spot (center) mode
-20°C to 650°C temperature range thermal imager has powerful professional Software and Wi-Fi connectivity to apple mobile devices.
Product Number | Form | Minimum Temperature Measurement | Maximum Temperature Measurement | Field of View | Display Resolution | Measurement Mode | Software |
-20°C (-4°F)
650°C (1202°F)
25° x 19°
640 x 480 pixels
10 Spotmeters, 5 box areas, isotherm, auto hot/cold spot, Delta T
100° to 800°C fixed mount thermal imager temperature range has ±2% of reading or ±3°C accuracy. Ethernet connectivity and Software.
Product Number | Form | Minimum Temperature Measurement | Maximum Temperature Measurement | Field of View | Display Resolution | Software |
Fixed Mount
-20°C (-4°F)
300°C (572°F)
60° x 60°
2256 pixels
Fixed Mount
100°C (212°F)
800°C (1472°F)
25° x 25°
2256 pixels