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Contrôleurs de Température et de Procédé, Série PLATINUM

Platinum Series Versatile High Performance PID Controllers


Article# CN32PT-330

Remises de volume disponibles
Calendrier de remise sur volume
Quantité Prix unitaire
1-9 C$502.72
10-24 C$477.58
25-49 C$452.45
50-99 C$427.31
100-499 C$402.18
500+ C$377.04

En stock

Délai de livraison (si pas en stock): 6 semaines
Platinum Series Versatile High Performance PID Controllers CN32PT-330 CN32PT-330
  • Strain & Bridge Inputs, 6 Digit Display and Upgraded Platinum Software Now Available
  • Industry Leading Performance (20 Samples / Sec), High Accuracy
  • Up to 6 Programmable Control/Alarm/Re-transmission/Relay Outputs
  • Full Autotune PID with Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Control
  • Up to 99 Programs with 16 Ramps and Soaks and Chaining
  • No Jumpers to Set, Totally Firmware Configurable
  • USB Communications Standard on Every Model
  • Meter and Alarm only versions also available
  • Support Heating & Cooling Control
  • Log data with Omega Enterprise Gateway(OEG)
  • CAD/STEP File download

CN32PT-330 Options de modèles

Voir tous les modèles

Modifiez ces spécifications pour commander un modèle différente. Toutes les combinaisons ne sont pas valides. Les options compatibles avec les sélections précédentes seront en gras.

*Les options en surbrillance ne sont pas compatibles. Veuillez sélectionner une combinaison différente.

Control Outputs
Form Factor
Supply Voltage Type
Display Type
Output Type
Measurement Type
Number of Inputs
Input Type
Ramp and Soak
Additional Feature


La gamme de contrôleurs PID basés sur microprocesseur de la série Platinum offre une flexibilité inégalée dans la mesure de procédé. Bien qu'ils soient extrêmement puissants et polyvalents, ces contrôleurs ont été conçus avec le plus grand soin afin de simplifier leur utilisation et configuration. La reconnaissance automatique de la configuration du matériel élimine le besoin de cavaliers et permet au micrologiciel de se simplifier automatiquement, supprimant ainsi toutes les options de menu ne s'appliquant pas à une configuration spécifique. Disponibles en trois tailles : 1?32, 1?16 et ? DIN. Les modèles 1?16 et ? DIN peuvent être configurés en double affichage.
Chaque unité permet à l'utilisateur de choisir le type de sorties à partir de neuf types de thermocouples (J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C et N), des RTD Pt (100, 500 or 1 000 ? avec courbe 385, 392 ou 3 916), des thermistances (2 250 ?, 5K ? et 10K ?) ou entre la tension CC ou le courant continu CC. Les entrées de tension ou de courant sont bipolaires et entièrement adaptables à presque toutes les unités d'ingénierie avec décimal sélectionnable, idéal pour une utilisation avec pression, débit ou autre entrée de procédé.
Le contrôle peut être effectué en utilisant la stratégie de contrôle marche/arrêt ou PID chauffage/refroidissement. Le contrôle PID peut être optimisée grâce à une fonction de réglage automatique et, de plus, un mode de réglage adaptable à logique floue permet à l'algorithme PID d'être optimisé en permanence. L'instrument offre jusqu'à 16 segments de rampe et palier par programme rampe et palier, avec des actions d'événements auxiliaires disponibles sur chaque segment. Jusqu'à 99 programmes enregistrés pouvant être chaînés pour créer jusqu'à 1 584 segments discrets. Plusieurs alarmes peuvent être configurées au-dessus, en dessous, haut/bas et par déclenchement de bande en utilisant les seuils de déclenchement d'alarme absolus ou de déviation.
Le périphérique de la série Platinum est doté d'un grand affichage programmable à trois couleurs, avec fonction de changement de couleur et/ou de l'état des sorties désignées à chaque fois qu'une alarme est déclenchée. Plusieurs configurations de relais mécanique, de SSR, d'impulsion CC et de sorties analogiques sous tension ou alimentées en courant sont disponibles. Chaque périphérique est livré en standard avec module de communication USB pour les mises à jour du micrologiciel, la gestion de configuration et le transfert de données. Ethernet en option (modèles 1?16 DIN et ? DIN uniquement) et communication série RS232/RS485 sont également disponibles. La sortie analogique est entièrement échelonnable et peut être configurée comme un contrôleur proportionnel ou une retransmission pour assurer le suivi des données affichées. L'alimentation universelle est compatible avec une tension de 90 à 240 Vca. L'option d'alimentation basse tension est compatible avec une alimentation de 24 Vca ou de 12 à 36 Vcc.
D'autres fonctions généralement présentes sur des contrôleurs plus coûteux font de ce périphérique le produit le plus puissant de sa catégorie. Certaines de ces fonctions standard supplémentaires sont : point de consigne distant pour des configurations du contrôle en cascade, fonction d'alarme haut-haut/bas-bas, réinitialisation du verrouillage externe, initiation externe de programme rampe et palier, mode de commande combinée chauffage/refroidissement, enregistrement et transfert de configuration, et protection de mot de passe de configuration.
Communications Ethernet et série intégrées
L'option « Ethernet intégré » sur les modèles 1?16 et ? DIN permet aux périphériques de se connecter directement à un réseau Ethernet et de transmettre des données par paquet TCP/IP standard ou même de créer des pages Web via un LAN ou Internet. L'option Communication série est également disponible et configurable en RS232 ou RS485 avec de simples commandes ASCII ou MODBUS®. Les trois types d'interfaces de communication (USB, Ethernet et série) peuvent être installés et activés en même temps.
Contrôle en cascade
La fonction Point de consigne distant des contrôleurs de la série PLATINIUM peut être utilisée dans diverses applications où des consignes peuvent être envoyées aux contrôleurs à partir des périphériques distants comme les potentiomètres manuels, les transmetteurs, les ordinateurs, etc. Cette fonction peut également être utilisée pour configurer un système de « contrôle en cascade » où l'entrée du point de consigne distant est générée par un autre contrôleur. La figure 1 ci-dessous montre un schéma générique d'un système de contrôle en cascade et la figure 2 montre un exemple typique, dans le cas présent une application d'échangeur de chaleur.
Les systèmes de contrôle en cascade peuvent permettre un contrôle plus stricte d'un procédé lorsque vous disposez de deux variables liées, dont l'une présentant un temps de réaction beaucoup plus lent (généralement 4 X ou plus) que l'autre. La variable au temps de réaction plus lent est utilisée comme l'entrée au contrôleur primaire ou principal et celle à réponse plus rapide est utilisée comme entrée au contrôleur secondaire ou esclave. La sortie du contrôleur principal est échelonnée pour être utilisée comme point de consigne pour le contrôleur secondaire.
En ce qui concerne l'application d'échangeur de chaleur (voir figure 2), sa fonction principale est de contrôler la température des effluents. Par conséquent, la température désirée des effluents devient le point de consigne pour le contrôleur primaire, qui est un contrôleur de température (TC). L'entrée de procédé du contrôleur de température est la température enregistrée des effluents (TT). La sortie du contrôleur de température est le point de consigne de débit du contrôleur, qui est un contrôleur de débit (FC). L'entrée de procédé du contrôleur (de débit) secondaire est le débit de la vapeur utilisé pour chauffer le débit de procédé au moyen de l'échangeur de chaleur (FT). La sortie du contrôleur (de débit) secondaire est un signal de commande pour la vanne proportionnelle régulant le débit de la vapeur.
En isolant la boucle de contrôle de la température à lente évolution des effluents de la boucle de contrôle de débit en évolution rapide, un système de contrôle plus prévisible, robuste et strict est obtenu.

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Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great technical support We have put this to use. The technical support is what allowed us to put this into use quickly.
Date published: 2017-03-20
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Very difficult to use THS S HW YU PRGM AN OMGA CNTRLR. This is 2017. Why does the 'Platinum' temp controller have a 1980s user interface? The USB port is an afterthought in a terrible location. It would not stay connected to my computer. The software does not run in Windows 10, and is not supported by Omega. Omega makes a lot of good products, but this is not one of them. We sent the unit back.
Date published: 2017-02-19
Rated 1 out of 5 by from A nightmare to control from a computer The device itself might be ok but it was a nightmare to control it from a computer. Prepare to get head-hakes. The technical documentations are poorly written, very difficult to understand and filled with errors. It required a lot of of time and trials/errors to understand which commands and parameters to send. It was more like reverse engineering the communication protocol than using it ! What a lost of time. For some unknown reason, several "Omega ASCII protocol" commands didn't work. So don't use it. Their Modbus LabVIEW examples are buggy. Looks like a summer student wrote them. What a joke. And absolutely no answer from the technical support. Nothing. What a shame.
Date published: 2021-05-21
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Works, but not without issues Bought two controllers and ran into issues with both, readings jumped all over the place during testing. Opened up the controller and found that the input board wasn't mounted onto the main board properly for both, wasted a good amount of time trying to troubleshoot. Once I re-seated the internal board it worked as intended.
Date published: 2018-06-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best controller I have a handful of the older i16 and i32 controllers in use already, and am replacing two of those with pt32 (one done, one in progress). The i32 were already very good, with useful features, although a somewhat clunky setup interface (the 4-button menus could make grown men cry). Reliability has been perfect. Communication was a bit of an issue, required going to the larger 1/16 DIN model in some cases. The pt32 has fixed all that. Even when using the four buttons, the setup is now more logical. But the sane way to set them up is to connect them to a laptop and configure them with the Platinum program. Being able to upload and download configurations means that I can finally put the configurations under revision control, and check that the device installed in the system is actually configured correctly. I can also modify configurations offline, without taking the control system down, and then quickly upload them in a quick downtime. Once you have a configuration, it can be quickly adjusted by editing the txt file directly. All very very convenient. With the USB port, the communication problem has been solved. Find something with a USB connector nearby (laptop, industrial controller), either write a few lines of Python or install LabView, and you can chat with the controller. I'm now using the controller as an A-D converter for computer analysis of the process too. Very cool, low cost, convenient. Speaking of cost: The Newport/Omega controllers have never been cheap, but worth their price. If you need a simple low-feature controller, buy something else. The few times I've talked to tech support (in Santa Ana), they've been very helpful, patient, and knowledgeable. My only complaint is: In one case I need four setpoints and four outputs from a single input; while it is theoretically possible to get this many outputs (not clear it can be ordered in a 1/32 DIN, that would be model -444-776), there are not four setpoints available. So this needs to be handled by using two controllers. Expensive, but works great.
Date published: 2017-10-27
Rated 3 out of 5 by from OK OK unit. Omega missed ship date by weeks. PC configuration software didn't work without lots of futzing around. LED display is straight out of the 90's. But, works well once configured, build quality looks good, optimistic about reliable performance. Having two PID loops in one controller is nice too.
Date published: 2020-11-25
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Good product. but need to improve usability. Need better software for monitor and control the controller. we also want there are easier way that we can export process values to further analysis
Date published: 2016-02-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from CNPT 1/32 and 1/16 I have used the 1/32 and 1/16 CNPT controllers, and these have proven to be very robust. What I like the most is the possibility to communicate to a PC because I mostly use LabView for integrating them and automating a process
Date published: 2024-07-03
  • y_2025, m_2, d_12, h_5
  • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42
  • cp_1, bvpage1
  • co_hasreviews, tv_0, tr_19
  • loc_en_CA, sid_CN32PT-330, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=HELPFULNESS, direction=DESCENDING), SortEntry(order=POSITIVE_FEEDBACK, direction=DESCENDING), SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]
  • clientName_omega
  • bvseo_sdk, java_sdk, bvseo-4.0.0
  • CLOUD, getReviews, 1ms
loading all QA

I have a CN8PTD-305, when I run a profile it will only run the first ramp/soak segment and will not advance to the next segment even with segments set to above 1. The tracking action doesn't affect this behaviour. How do I fix this?versions: FW1406,CS1520

Asked by: NickatBAA
Thank you for the inquiry. Please forward this request to TEMP@DWYEROMEGA.COM. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2024-01-16

What is the specifications for a USB thumb drive? I'm trying 2-16GB and I did format one to FAT and the unit will not recognize (getting a red F100 error that requires a power cycle). If the drive is missing or unformatted, I get normal error messages.

Asked by: Gerald
Hi Gerald, Please try FAT32. If you still receive error message contact our temperature technical support. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2022-10-24

I have a new CN8DPT-220 my computer dose not see it when I plug it in with a usb cable (phone charging cable) why not? I have never been able to make this controller work The plug is sensitive in the side of And its very frustrating

Asked by: Onedusty
Thank you for your inquiry. It can be one of two things. It could be your PC Firewall blocking communication or the USB Cable quality issue. Try using a different PC/Cable.
Answered by: Application Engineer CB
Date published: 2021-09-01

Does the excitation current introduced by a CN32PT change depending on the installed probe's nominal resistance? (eg would a 100 ohm RTD have a different excitation current than a 1000 ohm RTD or a 2252 ohm thermistor)

Asked by: benjfitz
The excitation Voltages are all Controlled by the processor's program and will vary dependent on the type of input selected.
Answered by: ApplicationsEngineerANB
Date published: 2022-05-16

What is the range of Heating Control Cycle Settings? We need a controller with a faster relay switching time than the CND3, 5 seconds. It is not specified on the webpage or in the manual what the minimum setting for the Heating Control Cycle is. 1sec?

Asked by: jpvance
Hi JPVance, Thank you for the inquiry. Fastest cycle time is 0.1 sec. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2021-12-16

I have CN32PT-440-C24 units controlled by Modbus. I want to set a manual output level. On the front panel I can go to oPER > MANL > M.CNt, but can this be done over Modbus/serial communication? If so, what registers? The manual doesn't say.

Asked by: melectron
Hi melectron, Thank you for the inquiry. Please forward this question to Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2022-03-18

I am switching from a cni series to a cn32pt series. Does the cn32pt provide the ramp-to-setpoint feature of the cni series by using a singular ramp then setting the end action to hold?

Asked by: Bob2727Bob
Thank you for your inquiry. It does contain all of these features and more.
Answered by: Application Engineer CB
Date published: 2023-12-07

Using a CN8DPT-305 to measure a 4-20 mA signal from a pressure transmitter and control a fan motor with a 0-10 VDC. I'd like to use the tare command to zero my display as process starts. When I use the tare command it sets it to random numbers - not zero.

Asked by: Kenneth
Kenneth, sorry to hear that the tare function does not work. After scaling the meter if you hit the left arrow button, you must see "TARE" and wen you enter the "ENTER" button the reading must display zero. If that does not work kindly call us at 1800 622 2378, we can troubleshoot with you and help you resolve this issue.
Date published: 2021-06-14

How are DIN controllers mounted to front panels? Is there a bracket to secure the controller in place? I can't see the attachment in your cutout panels (e.g.,

Asked by: PLS34
Thank you for your inquiry. PLS34. All of our controllers come with mounting brackets and instructions on how to attach to a panel.
Answered by: Application Engineer MC
Date published: 2024-09-30

I recently purchased a Platinum Series DP8PT-330-006-C24-EIP universal controller. The manual doesn't have the communications information in it. Where can I find the information on the Modbus RTU ethernet communications for SCADA connection?

Asked by: MTen
Hi Marek, Thank you for the inquiry. Following links are for the manuals describing communications; And for the configurator software; Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2020-12-18

What is the mechanical relays fastest switching time?

Asked by: jpvance
Thank you for your inquiry. One second (Seven seconds is recommended).
Answered by: Application Engineer CB
Date published: 2021-12-08

When I am trying to do a firmware upgrade I get E07. What do you suggest?

Asked by: Clemens
There is a E007 error which is an Auto-tune timeout error. Make sure auto-tune is not initiated when doing the firmware update and if still an issue contact the temperature group at
Answered by: ApplicationsEngineerANB
Date published: 2021-11-30

Hello, for SSR output control, it only has the VAC option, and if I plan to use the SSRDIN280DC10 relay, can I connect it to the Mechanical Relay control? Thanks.

Asked by: AnnaH
Thank you for your inquiry. You can only connect DC Controlled Solid State Relays to a DC Pulse Output Control Option only.
Answered by: Application Engineer CB
Date published: 2023-07-17

Is the CN16DPT-330-C24 the correct replacement for the CN77533-A2-2.8?

Asked by: RoHa
Thank you for inquiry. CN16DPT-330 is the best replacement.
Answered by: CB Engineer
Date published: 2021-02-15

We have issues with CN8DPT-305-C24 connected to 3-wire RTD. It seems like controller doesn't compensate for the wire resistance and the temperature reading is higher than it supposed to be. Look like this is controller issue. Is the recent firmware 1.04?

Asked by: myevit
Hi Myevit, Thank you for the inquiry. 1.04.06 is latest firmware. It shows on the controller display screen as 1.04. For questions on the 3 wire mode RTD please forward request to TEMP@OMEGA.COM. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2022-11-09

I need a controller to handle two SSRs, with a degrees/minute programmable temperature ramp rate, RS-232 communication to understand a visual basic macro from MSExcel.

Asked by: Polymer John
Hi Polymer John, Thank you for the inquiry.This controller does not have ramp/rate function. You'll need to use a target temp and calculate time to target to achieve the ramp/rate. We do not have drivers to work with Windows Excel. Our free software may cover your requirements. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2022-05-24

What is the equation that calculates the temperature from mV

Asked by: ealmorgan
Hi, if you are using a thermocouple then here are some reference pages on how this is done. This all goes into detail on the Seebeck voltage. Please contact us if you need anything further. Thanks!
Answered by: Jane
Date published: 2019-05-15

Why does my new CN32PT-224-C24-DC initially display a TC temperature on the Platinum Monitor software, then flashes "oPEN" as soon as I start a run? The TC is fine and works on an older CN32PT controller I bought 3 years ago.

Asked by: JackTA
Hi JackTA Thank you for the inquiry. You might try a jumper wire in place of the TC. The instrument should see this as room temperature if it is set for TC input. If you have more questions please forward to TEMP@OMEGA.COM. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2022-02-21

Could you suggest a model of Platinum Series Versatile High Performance PID Controllers with which we could set up linearization values with RTD ? We are using the CN32PT-444-C24-DC model right now but can't use the linearization process with RTD.

Asked by: Line
Hi Line, We have 1 or 2 point calibration under "" in manual. Please refer to section 6.8 of the manual. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2020-11-25

CN16DPT-145. There is limited info on the retransmit function. I'd like to retransmit measured temperature from a thermocouple. How does the scaling work for retransmit?

Asked by: NIST
To set the Analog output range on the Platinum Controllers you need to select the RNGE in the PROG menu then scale it in the RtRN parameter in the PROG menu in your case for ANG1 as well. Please call the temperature department if you need detailed assistance.
Answered by: ApplicationsEngineerANB
Date published: 2022-03-10

When I turn the power on to the Omega USB Platinum Temperature controller, the Omega display reads "oPER". What does this mean?

Asked by: Richie_GDS
Thank you for your inquiry! The "oPER" text on the display stands for Operating Mode and is found in the Level 1 Menu. For more information on how to navigate through various menus, please see page 16 of the Platinum Series Controller User Guide Manual (M5451).
Answered by: Application Engineer CK
Date published: 2021-05-28

All the controller have 2 or 3 outputs, but we can only control one load at a time due to having only one input. Then what is the purpose of having three different or same outputs?

Asked by: Maxy
Hi Maria, Thank you for the inquiry. Second output is often used for cooling. It can also be used for second heater ( or other load) to act as back up to a primary heater. There is a second PID group and control offset to provide for these options. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2022-08-18

I had bought the Item# CN16DPT-224-C24. I didn't notice the output for SSR is AC power and bought the SSR with DC input. Could you recommond a AC input SSR for me? Thank you!

Asked by: Anonymous
Thank you for your inquiry! The SSRL series ( are available with either an AC or DC control input
Answered by: Application Engineer JM
Date published: 2021-03-04

I have a CN32PT-304 but i forgot the password and now I cannot change initial parameters, What can I do to retore the password? or Is the controller lost?

Asked by: Anonymous
Thank you for the inquiry. Please try the password "5709". Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2024-02-04

Hi there, I am interested in the CN32PT-440. Are the isolated DC pulse outputs isolated from the AC power input or the sensor input or both? I am assuming isolated means the grounds are floating compared to each other?

Asked by: Madt
Hi Madt, Thank you for the inquiry. On this model the DC pulse output signals are isolated from the AC line not the input signal. Isolation spec is detailed in section 9.5 on the manual; Best regards Omega
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2021-01-24

For the CN32Pt connected via USB Virtual Com, what are the default com settings, buad rate, parity, start/stop bits?

Asked by: cn32pt_user
Please forward this question to TEMP@DWYEROMEGA.COM. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2024-05-14

I want to but a controller for heating only from 100 to 500 degree Celsius. Which option is better for this? Output with Mechanical relay or Solid State Relay?

Asked by: Maxy
Hi Maxy- If maintaining temp for long duration is your end goal then SSR will be best. Not only will the control around the set point be more precise but SSR also has extended life cycle over mechanical relay. Be sure to check the specs of the heater on power required as solid state relays and mechanical relays outputs vary.
Answered by: ApplicationsEngineer_RD
Date published: 2022-08-23

I want to drive a 24Vdc 3port/2way solenoid air valve. What output option do I select? I see there is a DC power supply option will that be needed?

Asked by: JulieC
Hi Julie, Thank you for the inquiry. For your device the best option to use is the mechanical relay. You will need a power source suitable for your relay coil. The internal excitation is limited to 25 mA @ 24 VDC. Best regards Omega
Answered by: ANBENG
Date published: 2019-11-13

Hi, I installed a CN32PT-305-DC in an aluminium case and the thermocouple reading is very sensible to the internal controller’s temperature ans doesn’t represent the true temperature at the sensor. How can I fix this problem ? Thanks

Asked by: Sylvain
Hi Sylvain, Thank you for the inquiry. Suggest to ensure that you have thermocouple connectors and thermocouple extension wire inside the enclosure. Double check the thermocouple wire polarity inside the enclosure. Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: NorwalkAE_RS
Date published: 2021-08-16

How do I change the output on a CN32PT-224-C24 to analog 0-5VDC. The Platinum GUI seems to resisto me making the change is there some king of unlock that needs to be done?

Asked by: Mark Morin
Hi Mark, Thank you for the inquiry. Unfortunately this controller does not have analog output. Similar controller with analog output is CN32PT-145-C24 Best regards OMEGA
Answered by: AENorwalk
Date published: 2020-04-02
  • y_2025, m_2, d_11, h_8CST
  • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvqa, vn_bulk_3.0.42
  • cp_2, bvpage2n
  • co_hasquestionsanswers, tq_55
  • loc_en_CA, sid_CN32PT-330, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=NUM_ANSWERS, direction=DESCENDING)]
  • clientName_omega
  • bvseo_sdk, java_sdk, bvseo-4.0.0
  • CLOUD, getContent, 32ms
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