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ACCESSORY FLOWTUBES For Use with FL-3000 Series Rotameters, Multitube Assemblies and Gas Proportioners
ACCESSORY FLOWTUBES For Use with FL-3000 Series Variable Area Flow Meters, Multitube Assemblies and Gas Proportioners
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FLT-40SA Options de modèles
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The flow tubes shown on this page can be installed into the FL3000, gas proportioning FL-1GP Series or multiple tube FL-2AA Series 150 mm Variable Area Flow Meters. Flow capacities shown are based on calibrations with air and water at 21°C (70°F) and 14.7 psia. For other fluids or conditions, the following equations provide rough approximations.
Qa = Qg x [G x (Ta/T0) x (P0/Pa)]1/2
Qa = equivalent air flow scale reading at Standard Conditions
Qg = true flow of metered gas
G = specific gravity of metered gas
Ta = absolute temperature at flow conditions (Kelvin or Rankine)
T0 = absolute temperature at standard conditions (294 K or 530°R)
Pa = pressure at flow conditions (psia)
P0 = pressure at Standard Conditions (14.7 psia)
Qw = QL x [(df - dw)/(df - dL)) x (dL/dw)]1/2
Qw = equivalent water flow capacity at Standard Conditions
QL = max flow of metered liquid
df = density of float selected
Glass: 2.53 g/ml
Sapphire: 3.98 g/ml
Stainless Steel: 8.04 g/ml
Carboloy: 14.98 g/ml
Tantalum: 16.58 g/ml
dL = density of metered liquid, g/ml
dw = density of water at Standard Conditions (1.0 g/ml)
(note: does not include viscosity effect)
150 mm Flowtube, Gas Flow Capacities of Routine Gases
Ranges in cc/min, flowtubes have 10:1 range
Qa = Qg x [G x (Ta/T0) x (P0/Pa)]1/2
Qa = equivalent air flow scale reading at Standard Conditions
Qg = true flow of metered gas
G = specific gravity of metered gas
Ta = absolute temperature at flow conditions (Kelvin or Rankine)
T0 = absolute temperature at standard conditions (294 K or 530°R)
Pa = pressure at flow conditions (psia)
P0 = pressure at Standard Conditions (14.7 psia)
Qw = QL x [(df - dw)/(df - dL)) x (dL/dw)]1/2
Qw = equivalent water flow capacity at Standard Conditions
QL = max flow of metered liquid
df = density of float selected
Glass: 2.53 g/ml
Sapphire: 3.98 g/ml
Stainless Steel: 8.04 g/ml
Carboloy: 14.98 g/ml
Tantalum: 16.58 g/ml
dL = density of metered liquid, g/ml
dw = density of water at Standard Conditions (1.0 g/ml)
(note: does not include viscosity effect)
150 mm Flowtube, Gas Flow Capacities of Routine Gases
Ranges in cc/min, flowtubes have 10:1 range
Model No. | Air | Water | Argon | CO2 | He | H2 | N2 | O2 |
FLT-45G | 19 | 0.196 | 15 | 23 | 16 | 37 | 20 | 17 |
FLT-45SA | 30 | 0.392 | 24 | 37 | 26 | 59 | 31 | 27 |
FLT-45ST | 60.6 | 0.94 | 49 | 72 | 53 | 123 | 62 | 54 |
FLT-45C | 110 | 1.91 | 90 | 127 | 101 | 232 | 114 | 99 |
FLT-45T | 121 | 2.13 | 99 | 139 | 112 | 256 | 125 | 109 |
FLT-41G | 49 | 0.49 | 44 | 56 | 46 | 94 | 48 | 42 |
FLT-41SA | 73 | 0.98 | 60 | 84 | 69 | 149 | 76 | 70.4 |
FLT-41ST | 143 | 2.34 | 113 | 150 | 133 | 301 | 143 | 131 |
FLT-41C | 247 | 4.7 | 202 | 251 | 260 | 567 | 255 | 228 |
FLT-41T | 264 | 5.1 | 222 | 263 | 288 | 602 | 274 | 244 |
FLT-61G | 93 | 0.9 | 75.6 | 103 | 90 | 208 | 92 | 81 |
FLT-61C | 444 | 8.5 | 373 | 445 | 519 | 1120 | 462 | 407 |
FLT-61T | 484 | 9.2 | 393 | 470 | 555 | 1225 | 495 | 433 |
FLT-02G | 374 | 5.5 | 305 | 355 | 450 | 1021 | 382 | 340 |
FLT-02SA | 513 | 10.0 | 429 | 472 | 681 | 1497 | 520 | 472 |
FLT-02ST | 814 | 20.4 | 676 | 728 | 1290 | 2496 | 824 | 753 |
FLT-02C | 1222 | 33.7 | 1020 | 1072 | 2221 | 3876 | 1220 | 1131 |
FLT-02T | 1331 | 36.1 | 1085 | 1134 | 2356 | 4257 | 1310 | 1206 |
FLT-03G | 844 | 16.5 | 687 | 725 | 1490 | 2620 | 827 | 772 |
FLT-03SA | 1093 | 26.1 | 910 | 944 | 2059 | 3546 | 1110 | 1024 |
FLT-03ST | 1682 | 44.6 | 1380 | 1420 | 3397 | 5547 | 1662 | 1545 |
FLT-03C | 2423 | 70.5 | 1996 | 2039 | 5120 | 8170 | 2405 | 2246 |
FLT-03T | 2576 | 75.6 | 2131 | 2163 | 5437 | 8717 | 2575 | 2364 |
FLT-04G | 2313 | 54 | 1949 | 2048 | 4880 | 7817 | 2395 | 2169 |
FLT-04SA | 3079 | 78 | 2605 | 2620 | 6458 | 10,455 | 3142 | 2860 |
FLT-04ST | 4562 | 133 | 3903 | 3990 | 9770 | 15,855 | 4685 | 4341 |
FLT-04C | 6621 | 201 | 5665 | 5743 | 14,500 | 22,790 | 6845 | 6307 |
FLT-04T | 6932 | 212 | 6040 | 6018 | 15,420 | 24,252 | 7080 | 6690 |
FLT-05G | 3922 | 84 | 3151 | 3374 | 7803 | 13,105 | 3868 | 3485 |
FLT-05SA | 5188 | 126 | 4175 | 4388 | 10,336 | 16,108 | 5090 | 4652 |
FLT-05ST | 7825 | 217 | 6384 | 6308 | 15,960 | 27,804 | 7722 | 6992 |
FLT-05C | 11,154 | 329 | 9460 | 9222 | 23,509 | 37,553 | 10,973 | 10,082 |
FLT-05T | 11,965 | 353 | 9627 | 9475 | 25,131 | 39,998 | 11,628 | 10,741 |
FLT-39G | 8678 | 210 | 7366 | 7485 | 19,426 | 29,840 | 8916 | 8269 |
FLT-39SA | 11,357 | 306 | 9539 | 9557 | 25,400 | 40,006 | 11,524 | 10,706 |
FLT-39ST | 16,737 | 506 | 14,131 | 14,051 | 38,576 | 59,995 | 17,021 | 15,710 |
FLT-39C | 23,752 | 747 | 20,166 | 19,854 | 56,220 | 83,052 | 24,071 | 22,432 |
FLT-39T | 25,252 | 790 | 21,414 | 21,115 | 60,596 | 90,410 | 25,709 | 23,790 |
FLT-40G | 23,742 | 541 | 19,761 | 18,989 | 53,100 | 85,812 | 23,512 | 21,350 |
FLT-40SA | 30,711 | 806 | 24,563 | 23,855 | 70,100 | 110,100 | 29,930 | 27,181 |
FLT-40ST | 45,227 | 1288 | 35,300 | 34,287 | 103,647 | 159,699 | 43,000 | 39,567 |
FLT-40C | 66,346 | 1881 | 47,890 | 46,311 | 146,500 | 221,872 | 59,580 | 54,902 |
FLT-40T | 69,940 | 2001 | 51,997 | 49,009 | 189,826 | 234,423 | 63,826 | 57,960 |