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Please explain, in detail, how we can help.

Please explain, in detail, how we can help.

Please be sure to include your Order and/ or PO number in your request.

Please explain, in detail, how we can help.

Please be sure to include your account and/or order number along with your request.

Please explain, in detail, how we can help.

If you're not the original buyer or you do not want an online a account, please provide the following information to assist in processing your return...

  1. Order and/or PO number.
  2. The part number(s) and quantity to be returned.
  3. Reason for return.
Tool Tip - If you do not have an online account, you may create one using Reset password with the email the order was placed with.

For faster turnaround, please be sure to include...

  1. Order and/or PO number.
  2. What is the Omega part number?
  3. What is the issue or concern with this item?
  4. For repairs, provide bill-to and ship-to address, and shipping account number (if you have your own).

For faster service, please provide as much detail as possible, such as...

  1. Model number of current product that needs to be replaced.
  2. Is this for an existing order or are you looking to purchase a new item?
  3. What is the most important specification? (Range, accuracy)
  4. What specification(s) can be modified? (operating temp, output)
  5. How many units are needed?

For faster service, please provide as much detail as possible, such as...

  1. Model number of products that need to be wired together.
  2. Do you need help setting up new products or troubleshooting existing systems?
  3. Application description for set-up.
  4. A brief description of what documentation you are looking for.
Tool Tip - Here are some links for common wiring configurations for voltage/current output devices.

Please explain, in detail, how we can help.

Add brief description of what you are looking for, please include your Order or PO number, if applicable, and any other details that would be helpful.

If you don’t have an online account, we can best help you if you include your:

  1. Customer Number or Company bill-to address and Order Number or PO Number.
  2. Upload your Tax Certificate.
Tool Tip - This can be done online if you are linked to your corporate account, just click the "Upload Tax Exemption" link.

Already have a list of items? Use our Quick Order page to add them to you cart, then click Create Quote.

To continue with an agent, please provide the Omega Product number(s) or a detailed description of specifications, application, and product type that you need. (Please allow 2-3 days)

Tool Tip - For faster service, create quotes online! Just add items to your cart and click "Create Quote".

Please explain, in detail, how we can help.

For faster service, please provide as much detail as possible, such as...

  1. What product are you currently looking interested in?
  2. Description of your application, include important specifications (accuracy, extreme operating temperatures).
  3. What are you trying to control, monitor and/or data log?
  4. Budget and timeline?

What type of calibration do you require? (standard, system, cal-4, etc)

In order to quickly issue a quote and shipping instructions, provide as much detail as possible. Be sure to include:

  1. Standard Cal-3 Calibration: Specify Part numbers (and ID's or S/N, if applicable) to be calibrated.
  2. Cal-4 Calibration: Specify Part numbers and the specific calibration points required.
  3. Quantity of items to be calibrated.
  4. Is this a system calibration? Please specify (ie. Loadcell + Meter, Datalogger + Probes).

Please explain, in detail, how we can help.

Please describe the issue you have with the product, provide bill-to and ship-to address, and shipping account number (if you have your own).

Please explain, in detail, how we can help.

Most product related files will be listed under the 'Manuals & Downloads' tab on the product page. If you don't see any, please be sure to include...

  1. What type of file/information are you looking for (Software, manual, specification sheet, etc)?
  2. The item number in question.
  3. Any additional questions.

We will also need you to complete and upload the following documentation.

  1. Purchase Order (if applicable).
  2. If Product has been opened, Material Handling Sheet (MHS).
  3. If product has been exposed to hazardous material, a Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Drag a File here
Select a Saved File
Upload up to 3 files, (Word, PDF or JPG, max file each 1MB)


Omega Sensing Solutions ULC
82 Boul. Arthur-Sauvé ; ,
St-Eustache QC, J7R 2H7, Canada.

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