A wastewater lift station decided to renovate its lift station cabinets - getting a much simpler, more cost-efficient setup with remote access to transmitter data and programming – along with the ability to tele-monitor the water level in pumping stations via secure network.
Need for a flexible multi-functional transmitter for lift station water level monitoring
This wastewater lift station provides service for several lift stations for the local wastewater system. In 2004 the team decided to install a universal transmitter, like TXUN-ST or DRST-UN for water level monitoring at the individual stations. They needed a transmitter that could be used to program the pumps as well as indicate relay failure for practically every installation. A transmitter was chosen for easy installation into the existing cabinets, it’s warranty, simple programming, and fair price.
Simplifying wiring and renovating cabinets ten years later
In 2014 the team found that some of the stations needed renovation. The pumping station probes were reacting to contact with litter and rain water, triggering the pumps to stop. Multi-functional transmitters and communication enablers like DRST-UN, DRST-UR, DRST-CM were decided on for the renovation project.
Remote access to the installations provides better information and more flexible monitoring
The lift stations are controlled by a PLC. After installing the communication enablers like DRST-CM and connecting via Modbus, the team can now monitor the water level remotely. Before the renovation, the team had only access to water level information when standing at the cabinet. Overall, the modules have made it easier for the team to manage the stations.