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GLS and GLS-SS Series safety rope switches aredesigned to be mounted on machines and sectionsof conveyors which cannot be protected by guards. Incontrast to traditional mushroom head type emergencystop buttons, GLS and GLS-SS Series safety ropeswitches can initiate the emergency command fromany point along the installed rope length and providerobust emergency stop rope pull protection for exposedconveyors or machines. In combination with a dualchannel safety monitoring relay, GLS and GLS-SSSeries safety rope systems can be used as emergencystop devices monitored for up to PLe to ISO13849-1.All GLS and GLS-SS Series safety rope emergencystop switches conform to ISO13850 and EN60947-5-5.They have a positive mechanical linkage between theswitch contacts and the wire rope. The switches havewire-breakage monitoring. On pulling the rope the safetycontacts are positively opened and the auxiliary contactsare closed. The switches are mechanically latched andcan then only be returned to the operational condition bypressing the blue reset button as required by ISO13850.