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Solution d'étalonnage

2 produits
Solution tampon pH

Meeting N.I.S.T. standards, these buffered solutions provide precise pH determinations and are ideal for calibrating electrodes and pH meters.

Solutions d'étalonnage pour la conductivité

Conductivity standard solutions of Potassium Chloride are used for calibrating a wide range of the conductivity instrumentation including those sold by OMEGA

Solution d'étalonnage

Calibration solutions are widely used in industrial, commercial, and laboratory applications to ensure accurate readings and reliable results. Omega Engineering offers calibration solutions designed to meet the NIST standards and provide precise pH determinations and accurate conductivity readings.

Calibration solutions are used, in the Food and Beverage industries as well as in the pharmaceutical and environmental monitoring industries, to meet quality control standards, regulatory compliances, and safety requirements. Our selection of calibration buffer solutions and deionized water are pre-mixed and color-coded to prevent errors. Ideal for calibrating electrodes and pH meters, Omega’s solutions are accurate within ±0.01 pH at 25 oC (77 oF).
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