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Solution tampon pH
7.00 pH buffer solution 500 mL (1 pint) bottle
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- Durée de conservation 1 an
- Solution pH prémélangé
- Deux tailles de bouteille disponibles
- Standardisation : Certification NIST
PHA-7 Options de modèles
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*Les options en surbrillance ne sont pas compatibles. Veuillez sélectionner une combinaison différente.
Solution Value
Formulées afin de fournir des dosages de pH précis, ces solutions tampon qui sont standardisées contre des échantillons de référence certifiés NIST, sont idéales pour l'étalonnage des électrodes et des compteurs pH. Les tampons sont à code couleur pour éviter les erreurs et sont précis à ±0,02 pH à 25°C. Chaque tampon contient un agent conservateur/inhibiteur de moisissure et un couvercle à conditionnement sous pellicule rétractable pour éviter la contamination et les fuites. Des graphiques de compensations de température sont comprises avec chaque solution tampon. La durée de conservation des solutions tampon est de 1 an.
Rated 4 out of
Anonymous from
pH buffers
I bought pH buffers in 1 gallon jugs. Good value. Will buy again.
Date published: 2016-06-30
Rated 5 out of
Everett from
Quick shippment
Works as expected, although it was a partial order.
Date published: 2024-06-17
Rated 5 out of
Anonymous from
The perfect vendor
Great product and customer service. The perfect vendor
Date published: 2023-08-12
Rated 5 out of
Fehr Graham from
Great product
This pH standard is perfect and is available at an affordable cost
Date published: 2023-04-19
Rated 5 out of
Fehr Graham from
Quality and Value rolled into one.
quality standard at a good value. We have used this standard for years.
Date published: 2023-04-19
Rated 4 out of
Jordan from
Ph solution worked as advertised but was disappointed that the solution came in UN-resealable bags. I was under the impression they were in bottles.
Date published: 2020-06-13
Rated 5 out of
Sara from
PH Buffer Solution
Good Customer service, On time Delivery, Over all no complaints, Good Business! Thank You!
Date published: 2020-04-20
Rated 4 out of
nkrasco from
Great Samples
We bought these pH buffers solutions for our internal R&D use. So far, they are exactly what we needed. Working very well!
Date published: 2019-04-16
How should this solution be disposed of?
Thank you for your inquiry. Standard buffer solutions are comprised of salts and can be drained into a sink and flushed with copious amount water afterwards.
Date published: 2023-10-27
if i'm need the NIST traceable certificate, where i can download this documents?
Thank you for your inquiry. If you had purchased the buffer solution with a NIST certificate, please email and a Customer Care representative will able to email a copy of the cert.
Date published: 2020-09-09
If buffers are susceptible to contamination, how long are they good for after opening the container?
pH buffer solutions have 1 year shelf life. You should follow the expiration date on the bottle.
Date published: 2020-04-13
Does the Standard Certificate Type provide a NIST traceable certificate or do I have to select the CAL Certification?
Date published: 2019-10-31