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The TCL series of Dry Block and Micro Bath calibrators feature Extremely High Accuracy and Stability with a Certificate of Calibration Included with every unit.
Fluidized baths are small by design and are meant for laboratories and instrument shops. Two Temperature Ranges: 122 to 662°F (50 to 350°C) 122 to 1112°F (50 to 600°C).
Dry block and bath calibrators are instruments used in many industrial, commercial, and laboratory applications. Omega Engineering offers a vast selection of dry block and batch calibrators, with temperature ranges that are suitable for a wide variety of applications. Our calibrators feature high accuracy, stability, and include a Certificate of Calibration with every unit. From Ambient +5 °C to 450 °C Temperature Dry Block Calibrators to 35 °C to 450 °C Temperature Surface Plate Calibrators, our products are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and performance.