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Testeurs de point de fusion
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Testeurs de point de fusion
Melting Point Testers are an important device in many industrial, commercial, and laboratory applications. Omega’s high-quality melting point testers are designed to provide accurate temperature readings over a range of temperatures, from 50 °C to 400 °C. This ensures precise measurements for a variety of materials.
Melting point testers are used in a variety of industries, including chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and electronics. They are used to measure and analyze the melting points of a variety of materials, from resins to plastics to metals and are also used to identify impurities in a material.
Melting point testers are used in a variety of industries, including chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and electronics. They are used to measure and analyze the melting points of a variety of materials, from resins to plastics to metals and are also used to identify impurities in a material.