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Contrôleurs de niveau

7 produits
Dual Input Automatic Fill or Empty Relay Controller   

The LVCN-20 dual sensor controller is ideal for automatic filling or emptying operations. The controller conveniently mounts to a single sensor or to the sensor track system.

Proportional Level Controller

The LVCN-50 Series proportional controller is both a proportional and an on/off controller. It can easily program up to three continuous process setpoints and has a numerical display.

Single Sensor Level Controller

The LVCN-110 controller offers many features. The adjustable time delay relay, invert switch, and LED status enunciators all maximize the flexibility of this controller.

Dual Sensor Level Controller

The LVCN-130 dual sensor controller accepts two sensor inputs for automatic filling and emptying operations. The latched 10 amp relay provides the control interface with pumps and valves.

Single Sensor Level Controller

The LVCN-140 single sensor controller provides a high or low sensor alarm function with a single sensor input. It conveniently mounts to a standard EN50 022 DIN rail.

Three Sensor Level Controller

The LVCN-120 three sensor controller provides an automatic fill or empty capability with an additional high or low alarm. This controller has two 10 amp SPDT relays.

Contrôleurs de niveau

Level Controllers are essential devices in many industrial, commercial, and laboratory applications. They are used to measure and control the level of a liquid or a solid in a tank or other vessel. Omega Engineering offers dependable single and multi-sensor level controllers designed to measure and control fluid levels in a contained area or facilitate automatic filling and emptying operations. With a variety of features and capabilities, Omega level controllers provide reliable and consistent performance, in any environment.
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