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Contrôleurs PID

33 produits
iSeries Contrôleurs de température/procédé programmables

CNI Series 1/32, 1/16, and 1/8 DIN Universal Input High Accuracy Temperature and Process Controllers offer full Autotune PID control with optional RS232/RS485 communications

Contrôleurs de Température  et de Procédé, Série PLATINUM

CNPT Platinum Series Universal Input High Performance Process Controllers offer Autotune PID, Fuzzy Logic, Ramp & Soak Profiles with standard USB and optional RS232/RS485

Temperature Autotune Controller with Sensitive Touch Keypad

CN38S Temperature Autotune Controller with Sensitive Touch Keypad offers On/Off or PID control with Soft Start Delay to protect equipment including pumps and compressors

1/16, 1/8, and 1/4 DIN Temperature and Process  PID Controllers

CND3 Series 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4 DIN Temperature and Process PID Low Cost Controllers offers universal inputs with self-tuning PID with Fuzzy Logic and Ramp & Soak

1/4 DIN Temperature Controllers with Autotune, Alarms and RS485

CN730 Series 1/4 DIN Temperature Controllers with Autotune offer a dual display with simple On/Off or full PID control with alarm functions, RS485 and free software

1/16 DIN Temperature Controllers with Autotune, Alarms and RS485

CN730 Series 1/16 DIN Temperature Controllers with Autotune offer a dual display with simple On/Off or full PID control with alarm functions, RS485 and free software

1/16 DIN Single/Dual Inputs PID Controller Programmable by NFC/RFID

Omega’s CN400 1/16 DIN PID Controller features single or dual channels and includes NFC/RFID technology with dedicated App DirectLink for Android devices

1/16 DIN Universal Autotune Controller with NEMA 4X Front Panel

CN8501 Series 1/16 DIN Universal Input Autotune Controllers offer a dual display, NEMA 4X Front Panel with optional alarms, RS232/RS485 and process output

1/16 DIN Universal Input Autotune Controller with Ramp & Soak

CN8200 Series 1/16 DIN Universal Input Autotune Controllers offer a dual display, 8-segment Ramp/Soak program with optional alarms, RS232/RS485 and process output

Régulateur de température série économique, à 2 sorties marche/arrêt

CN1A Series 1/16 DIN On-Off Temperature Controller with clear LCD Display with dual outputs for heating or cooling includes alarm functions and panel or socket mount design

Universal High Accuracy Digital Benchtop PID Controller with USB

CS8DPT Platinum Series Universal Input High Performance Benchtop Controllers offer dual outputs, Autotune PID, Ramp & Soak Profiles with standard USB & optional Ethernet

1/8 DIN Vertical Temperature Controllers with Autotune and RS485

CN710 Series 1/8 DIN Vertical Temperature Controllers with Autotune offer a dual display with simple On/Off or full PID control with alarm functions, RS485 and free software

1/16, 1/8, and 1/4 DIN Autotune Temperature/Process Controllers

CN4000 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4 DIN Autotune Temperature/Process Controllers are low cost with features including dual display, Fuzzy Logic, alarm and optional ramp and soak

Portable Thermocouple Temperature Controller

Portable thermocouple temperature controller with 175°F max, audible alarms, outfitted with NEMA 5-15R 120 Vac or NEMA 6-15R 240 Vac plug.

1/4 DIN Temperature/Process Ramp/Soak Controller with Fuzzy Logic

CN72000 Series 1/4 DIN Autotune Temperature/Process 16 Segment Ramp & Soak Controller with Fuzzy Logic includes a NEMA 4X Front Panel, isolated outputs and 24VDC power supply

1/4 DIN RTD Input High Accuracy Bright LED Digital Controllers

4200A 1/4 DIN high accuracy controller includes a bright LED display for temperature indication or setpoint for RTD input, single or dual setpoint with modular output types.

1/8 DIN Ultra Compact Case Temperature, Process and Strain PID Controllers

1/8 DIN Ultra CompACt Case Temperature, Process and Strain PID Controllers

Régulateurs PID de température, procédé et contrainte ⅛ DIN à double affichage

CNI8DH and CNI8DV 1/8 DIN Horizontal and Vertical Autotune PID Controllers offer Universal Inputs, high accuracy, 2 control outputs and Dual Programmable Color Displays

Temperature and Process On/Off or PID Digital Controller Panel

CNI-CB120SB Series Temperature and Process On/Off or PID Digital Controller Panel offers enclosure for indoor use for 120VAC operation with On/Off switch and main power light

Contrôleurs PID

Une gamme de contrôleurs à microprocesseur DIN 1/4, 1/8 et 1/16 offrant un vaste éventail de caractéristiques et de fonctions.
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