1/8 DIN Ultra Compact Case Temperature, Process and Strain PID ControllersCNI8C22-C24CNI8C22-C24
For our newest line of controllers with Modbus connectivity, expanded ramp and soak programs, universal inputs, and simple PC programming, visit our CNPT Series.
*For our newest line of controllers with Modbus connectivity, expanded ramp and soak programs, universal inputs, and simple PC programming, visit our CNPT Series.*
The ultra-compact CNi8C and CNiS8C controllersare similar to the full size i8 in an ultra-compactenclosure. Only 51 mm (2") behind the panel. The i8C/iS8C displaycan be programmed to changecolor between GREEN, AMBER, or RED at any setpoint or alarmpoint. The i8C/iS8C includes the option of bothRS232 and RS485 in 1 instrumentwith the straightforward OMEGA™ ASCII protocol. If Modbus is required, we recommend our latest Platinum controllers - CNPT Series.
The i8C comesstandard with your choice of2 control or alarm outputs in almostany combination: solid state relaysrated at 0.5 A @ 120/240 VacForm "C" SPDT relays rated at3 A @ 120/240 Vac pulsed 10 Vdcoutput for use with an external SSRor analog output (0 to 10 Vdc or0 to 20 mA) selectable for control orretransmission of the process value.
The universal temperature andprocess instrument offer a selection of 10 thermocoupletypes as well as 2-, 3- or 4-wireRTDs, process voltage and current.The i8C controller is ideal for use with transmittersand amplified transducers. Built-inexcitation is standard (24 Vdc@ 25 mA). The units handle0 to 20 mA process current andprocess voltage in 3 scales:0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1V, and 0 to 10V.
The strain/process instrument(model iS) meters and controllersmeasure inputs from load cells,pressure transducers, and most anystrain gage sensor. Input rangesinclude 0 to 100 mVdc -100 mVdcto 1 Vdc 0 to 10 Vdc in addition to0 to 20 mA. Excitation for transducersof 5 V and 10 V is standard.
Theenclosure has aNEMA 4 (IP65) rated front bezel and electronics are removable fromthe front panel.