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D6000 Series interfaces have analog input, analog output, digital output, digital input, and communications modules. RS-485 MODBUS RTU Interface Protocol.
The TC-08 is an 8 channel USB thermocouple data acquisition module. Accepts multiple TC types and has automatic cold junction temperature compensation.
The OM-DAQ-USB-2401 is a thermocouple or voltage input USB data acquisition module. Accepts 8 differential or 16 single ended inputs. 24-bit resolution and 1kS/s.
D8000 Series can measure process inputs, thermocouples, and contact closures and generate current or voltage signals. USB interface communicates via MODBUS RTU.
The OM-USB-TC Series have either thermocouple or voltage input options. The OM-USB-5201 has datalogging capability. 24-bit resolution and software programmable TC types.
The HFS-DAQ accepts 8 differential input channels of both heat flux and temperature from 4 HFS sensors. Free PC software and USB interface. High accuracy.
The OME-ET/PET-7000 Series is a web based ethernet I/O module that accepts thermocouple, RTD, voltage/current inputs. Built-in web-server and supports Modbus TCP and UDP.
D1000-D2000 Series transmitters have universal inputs for thermocouple, RTD, voltage, current, pulse/frequency and bridge inputs. Converts to RS-232C or RS485 Interface.
Measures up to 16 analog thermocouple or voltage inputs. High speed up to 1kS/s sampling with 24-bit resolution. 8x digital I/O, two counters. Connects via USB.
D5000 Series interfaces have four channel inputs (process, thermocouple input, or thermistor) and convert to RS-232 or RS-485 digital output. ASCII format.
The PT-104A is a 4 channel RTD or voltage input data acquisition module with USB or Ethernet interface. High accuracy and powered by USB or Power over Ethernet (PoE).
Directly connects TC, RTD, Thermistor, Bridge, Process, Resistance, Accelerometer system. Expandable to over 1k channels. Analog & Digital outputs. USB Hardware interface
USB and Ethernet Interface. Rack mounted with 32 differential thermocouple inputs expandable to 64 with expansion module. Easy connect miniature connector jacks.
TC and Process Inputs. Low power design requires no external power or batteries. High resolution, high sample rate. Multi device support via USB hubs. Digital calibration
The OM-USB-1608G series are 16 SE/8 DIFF input USB DAQ modules. High speed (up to 500kS/s) and high resolution (16-bit). 8x digital I/O, 2x counters, opt. analog output.
Connects a PC to sensors and controls via analog and digital inputs and outputs via Windows® software. 16SE/8DI voltage input channels. Universal inputs.
The iNET-100 Series is a high accuracy DAQ system that accepts universal inputs. Connect up to 8 iNET-100's to PCI Card (iNET-200/230) for a high speed DAQ system.
The OM-USB-TC Series have temperature or voltage input options. Accepts thermocouple, RTD, thermistor, or semiconduction temp sensors. Software programmable input types.
D3000-D4000 Series transmitters take RS-232 or RS-485 signals from any PC and convert to DC analog current or voltage output. Multiple output ranges, 3x Digital Input.
Consignez, enregistrez, transférez et transmettez des données avec des enregistreurs de données et des conditionneurs de signaux pour une vaste gamme d'applications.