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The FTB-900 Series is a low cost Liquid Turbine Flow Meter with an amplified square wave pulse output available in 12 sizes covering flow ranges between 0.176 to 880 GPM. The FTB-900 Series Turbine Flow Meters are designed to meet the demands of the most rigorous flow measurement applications. The meter features a 304 stainless steel housing and rotor support, CD4MCU stainless steel rotor, and abrasion-resistant tungsten carbide rotor shaft and 316SS bearings. These materials help the meter to maintain accuracy and mechanical integrity when measuring the corrosive and abrasive fluids found in many industries.
When liquid flows through the casing of the sensor, the impulse of fluid will provide the blade with a rotation moment as there is an angle between the blade of the impeller and the flow direction. The blade will rotate as the friction moment and the fluid resistance are overcome, and it will reach a stable speed when the moments are at balance. Under certain conditions, the rotation speed of the blade will be in direct proportion to the flow velocity. Due to the magnetic conductivity of the blade, when located in the magnetic field generated by the signal detector (made of permanent magnet steel and coils), the rotating blade will cut the magnetic lines and periodically change the flux through the coil, thereby inducing electrical impulse signals at both ends of the coil. The induced signals, after being amplified and rectified will form a continuous rectangular impulse wave with certain amplitude which may be remotely transmitted to a display instrument indicating the instant flow and the cumulative flow of fluid. Within a certain range of flow, the impulse frequency f is in direct proportion to the instant flow of fluid flowing through the sensor.