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Acrylic Flow Meters
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- Graduations métriques ou impériales faciles à lire
- Volumes d’eau de 4 cm à 20 gal/min, volumes d’air de 40 cm à 4 000 l/min
- Inserts de fixation filetés en laiton pour une installation rapide
- Montage et démontage simples pour une maintenance facile
- Fabrication monobloc résistante en acrylique transparent
- Flotteur stable et lecture facile
- Q ualité supérieure
- Équipement d’échantillonnage de l’air
- Aquaculture
- Équipement de dessalement
- A nalyseurs de gaz
- Systèmes médicaux
- É quipement de développement photo
- Systèmes de traitement et de distribution de l’eau
FL-2010 Options de modèles
Voir tous les modèlesModifiez ces spécifications pour commander un modèle différente. Toutes les combinaisons ne sont pas valides. Les options compatibles avec les sélections précédentes seront en gras.
*Les options en surbrillance ne sont pas compatibles. Veuillez sélectionner une combinaison différente.
Media Type
Gas Flow Range
Liquid Flow Range
Process Connection Size
Wetted Materials
Valve Included
Process Connection Type
Max Operating Pressure
Max Process Temperature
La série FL-2000 est constituée d’un large éventail de débitmètres destinés à des applications médicales, industrielles, chimiques et de laboratoire, alliant précision et prix exceptionnel. Ces unités sont disponibles avec ou sans soupapes.Modèles FL-2001–FL-2025: ±5 % PE
Modèles FL-2031–FL-2069: ±3 % PE
Modèles FL-2071–FL-2128: ±2 % PE
Flotteur : verre noir, acier inoxydable
Corps : acrylique transparent
Joints : joints toriques Buna avec raccords en laiton ou en PVC ; joints toriques FKM avec raccords en aciers
Pression : 100 psig max. à 21 °C (70 °F)
Température : 65 °C (150 °F) max. à 0 psig
Raccords : laiton en série ; acier inoxydable en option sauf pour les modèles FL-2071 à FL 2128, dotés d’un seul raccord PVC 1 NPT
Soupapes : Models FL-2001 through FL-2069: laiton en série ; soupape de type cartouche en acier inoxydable en option
Modèles FL-2071 à FL-2128 : robinet à vanne en ligne en plastique disponibles en option
Rated 5 out of
Mav13 from
meets the requirements of measurement required for the industry
Date published: 2016-10-08
Rated 5 out of
Kumaran from
Easy to use!
Bought this for a few flow experiments. Works great & easy to install!
Date published: 2016-04-25
Rated 5 out of
Anonymous from
Happy Customer
It was very easy to order this product and I was very happy with the quick delivery.
Date published: 2024-05-03
Rated 5 out of
Dakota Grover from
Good Service and Equipment
Exactly what we needed for our soil vapor equipment. Customer service and the equipment specialist were very helpful
Date published: 2023-05-18
Rated 5 out of
Larry Page from
Effective little flow meter
This is an accurate, and easy to use flow meter with adjustable valve. The workmanship is good, it’s working great for my application. I did not look at other options from Omega, but it would be nice to have options on I/O locations, such as side, or end. This one had both in, and out in the back. This can make tings a little crowded to mount the unit, and set up the I/O. Overall I am happy with this unit, it is doing exactly what I was hoping for.
Date published: 2023-03-27
Rated 5 out of
Anonymous from
Excellent meter, good value.
We've been using these flow meters for about 7 years now. Have installed at least 50 in systems that we build. Never a problem.
Date published: 2022-08-04
Rated 4 out of
Anonymous from
Good, basic low-flow flowmeter
Good, simple flowmeter for low-flow applications. Not the easiest to mount well onto a panel.
Date published: 2020-04-02
Rated 1 out of
magnus from
Wrong Picture...
The flow meter picture shows the model for water, inducing to wrong choice.
Date published: 2019-07-23
What is the pressure drop of a FL-2012 (0.2 to 2.5) flow meter?
Thank you for your question?
The max drop is 3 PSI for the FL-2012
Date published: 2019-07-01
Can I use an equation to determine the flow at non-standard pressure and temperature? On another MFG's site I saw Q2 = Q1 * sqrt (P1*T2/(P2*T1)). Is that equation correct for this flowmeter?
Send us an email to We can provide correct equation on a PDF form.
Date published: 2021-12-11
Can these be used with inert gases or solely just air?
Hi, thanks for connecting with us! You can use these meters with inert dry gases other than air but you will have to correct for the specific gravity. If you need help calculating this, please contact our Flow Department at
Date published: 2019-05-20
We are using FL-2012 not with a ball float but with a conical float. Do we have to determine the flowrate by reading the center, top or bottom of the conical float?
Thank you for your inquiry! For conical floats the reading will be taken from the top
Date published: 2021-07-30