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Capteurs de température infrarouges fixes

21 produits
Fixed Infrared Temperature Transmitters with a Selection of Field of Views to fit most Industrial Applications

Fixed Infrared Temperature Transmitters with a Selection of Field of Views to fit most Industrial Applications

Adjustable Output IR Sensor High Temperatures and Display

Adjustable output IR sensor with adjustable emissivity, 0 to 500°C temperature range, 6 digit LCD display, 20:1 field of view and NEMA 4 IP65 housing.

Miniature IR Infrared Sensor Transmitter -18 to 538°C

Miniature IR sensor with optional laser, -18 to 538°C temperature range, 6 output options, adjustable emissivity, 6:1 or 10:1 field of view and NEMA 4 IP65 and IP66 housing.

Compact IR Sensor with Adjustable Emissivity 6 Digit LCD

Compact IR sensor with adjustable emissivity, 0 to 500°C temperature range, 6 digit LCD display, 20:1 field of view and NEMA 4 IP65 housing.

High Field of View IR Sensor High Temperature 6 digit LCD

OSHFV-Series High field of view IR sensor with built-in 6 digit display, 0 to 1600°C temperature range, 60:1 or 300:1 field of view and integrated dual laser sighting.

Thermom�tres infrarouge portables, � sortie tension en standard

Intrinsically safe IR sensor designed for hazardous environments, -20 to 1000°C temperature range, 316 stainless steel housing, IP65 rated and adjustable emissivity.

Adjustable Temperature IR Sensor with Thermocouple Outputs

Built-in air purge IR sensor with thermocouple outputs, -18 to 250°C calibrated temperature range, 0.9 emissivity, various fields of view and NEMA 4 IP65 and IP67 housing.

Thermocouples à infrarouge

Stainless Steel Housing IR sensor with Thermocouple Outputs

RS232 Output IR Sensor with Optional Display

IR sensor with RS232 output, optional display options, -18 to 538°C temperature range, 5 output options, adjustable emissivity, 6:1 field of view and NEMA 4 IP65 housing.

Modbus IR Transmitter with 4-20 mA and USB outputs

Modbus IR transmitter with optional water cooling jacket, -40 to 2000°C temperature range, Modbus over USB, IP65 rated housing and optional laser sighting.

Pyromètre Infrarouge Industriel avec Affichage Local et Sortie Analogique

Industrial Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer/Transmitter with Local Display, Dual Alarm and Analog Output

High Speed IR Sensor with Small Measured Spot

High speed IR sensor with optional touch screen display, 0 to 500°C temperature range, adjustable emissivity, laser sighting and for small targets down to 1.6 mm diameter.

Smart-Micro IR T/C Adding Smart Linearization to the Smallest IR

Smart-Micro IR T/C Adding Smart Linearization to the Smallest IR

Thermocouples infrarouge avec boîtier en plastique ABS. Modèles :OS36-01-J,OS36-01-K-(*), OS36-T-(*), OS36-E-(*)

IR sensor with thermocouple outputs, -18 to 250°C calibrated temperature range, 4 output options, 0.9 emissivity, 1:1 field of view and NEMA 4 IP65 and IP67 housing.

Multi-Channel IR Monitoring System RS485/Modbus Outputs

Multi-channel IR Sensor with optional touch screen display, -20 to 1000°C temperature range, RS485 Modbus output, IP65 rated housing, create 6-channel system with alarms.

Fixed Infrared Non-Contact Temperature Sensor with adjustable emissivity and optional display

Fixed Infrared Non-Contact Temperature Sensor with adjustable emissivity and optional display

Capteurs de température infrarouges fixes

This fixed infrared sensors selection is vast with many different features without any lack in quality. These infrared sensors are designed for fixed continuous non-contact temperature measurement.
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