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Kits d'analyse de l'eau

4 produits
Water Quality Test Strips for pH, Alkalinity, Chlorine, Iron, Total Hardness, Iodine, Peroxide, Copper, Nitrate/Nitrite

A complement of water and soil test strips allows testing for pH, Alkalinity, Chlorine, Iron, Total Hardness, Iodine, Peroxide, Copper, or Nitrate/Nitrites.

Water Testing Kits

Test kits shown below are just a sample of the huge number of kits available. If you don't see it listed below please consult Flow Engineering to confirm availability.

Individual Soil Nutrients Test Kits

Individual Test Kits available in combination outfits for agricultural and turf soils. Single parameter test kits available for soil nutrients that may be of interest.

Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge and Electric Rain/Snow Gauges

The RG-2500 tipping bucket rain gauge is used for measuring precipitation. Rainfall that enters the 8 or 12" funnel collector is directed to the tipping bucket assembly.

Kits d'analyse de l'eau

Découvrez notre gamme de trousses et d'instruments d'analyse d'eau portables adaptés aux applications spécifiques, générales ou industrielles.
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