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4 produits
Tachymètre Portable laser optique/ à contact

The HHT13 is a premium, digital, handheld laser tachometer with 32 integrated functions including counters and timers making this versatile for many applications.

Handheld Noncontact Optical Tachometer

The HHT12 is an economical, digital, battery-powered portable optical tachometer. The unique design allows you safely view both the target and the display at the same time.

Portable Digital Stroboscope

The HHT30R series with digital displays have both battery and AC powered options along with a latching trigger for hands-free operation and 6 programmable memory locations.

Stroboscope numérique compact 8 000/mn

The HHT41B series is compact and lightweight with a bright xenon lamp for easy operation with one hand and includes a rechargeable battery pack and NIST certification.


Speed sensors for both indoor and outdoor environments with optinos featuring kits for motos, geartooth pickup, tachometers, and stroboscopes.
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