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Contrôleurs de qualité de l'eau

7 produits
Panel Mount Conductivity and Temperature Monitor and Controller

The CDTX-111 and CDTX-112 conductivity/temperature controllers are panel instruments for in-process monitoring of conductivity that use unique signal collection technology.

Conductivity, Resistivity, or TDS Controller

The CDCN-961 conductance, resistance or total dissolved solids (TDS) controller is designed for inline monitoring of process solutions and water applications.

Contrôleur de pH avec compensation automatique de température

The PHCN37 pH panel mounted controller features automatic or manual temperature compensation of pH, two 5 amp mechanical relays and a choice of a scalable 4 to 20 mA output

Dual Channel Conductivity/ResistivityController

The CDCN-91 dual channel conductivity/resistivity controller is a two-channel input device equipped with three scalable 4 to 20 mA outputs and four programmable relays.

Toroidal Conductivity Analyzer

Toroidal Conductivity or Concentration Analyzer. Discontinued. Replaced by AM-2251

Panel and Wall Mount pH Controllers

The PHCN-961/962 series of pH controller and transmitter provides a reliable method of monitoring and controlling pH in water treatment and chemical industries

Multi-Variable Controller  pH, ORP, Contacting Conductivity, Flow

The AM-2250 provides control of external devices using its 3 independent control and alarm relays. Select the parameter you wish to measure. Conductivity, pH, ORP or Flow.

Contrôleurs de qualité de l'eau

Water Quality Controllers are essential tools for many industrial, commercial, laboratory applications. These devices are essential for monitoring the quality of water and critical for ensuring the safety of people, processes, and the environment.

Omega’s water quality controllers can be wall or panel mounted and are multi-variable controllers that can be used to control either pH/ORP, Contacting or Toroidal Conductivity, Resistivity, or TDS. Our offerings feature a variety of form factors, including panel and wall mount controllers, 1/8 DIN, portable and handheld devices, and multi-variable controllers.

Omega's controllers are designed to be easy to use and accurate, making them ideal for a variety of industries, like food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, semiconductor, and power generation. They are also used extensively in laboratory applications and water treatment.
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