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Transmetteurs d'humidité relative et de température, montage canalisation à boîtier en inox
Relative Humidity/Temperature Transmitter, Duct Style
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- Boîtier IP65 / NEMA4 en acier inoxydable
- Bride réglable de montage sur canalisation
- Étrier de fixation murale
- Raccordement par connecteur ou cordon
- Sortie 4-20 mA ou 0-1 Vcc
- Filtre du capteur en acier inoxydable, amovible pour nettoyage facile
HX94C Options de modèles
Voir tous les modèlesModifiez ces spécifications pour commander un modèle différente. Toutes les combinaisons ne sont pas valides. Les options compatibles avec les sélections précédentes seront en gras.
*Les options en surbrillance ne sont pas compatibles. Veuillez sélectionner une combinaison différente.
Output Type
Additional Feature
Input Type
Input Ranges
Supply Voltage Type
Les transmetteurs de température et d'humidité relative HX94 permettent de surveiller des canalisations avec une grande fiabilité et pour un coût abordable. Ses capteurs stables dans le temps, ont une excellente sensibilité et une réponse rapide. Grâce à leur sortie linéarisée et à leur simplicité de connexion, ces transmetteurs peuvent s'interfacer facilement avec la plupart des systèmes d'affichage, de contrôle ou d'enregistrement.Pour obtenir les caractéristiques complètes de ces produits, cliquez sur le lien au bas de cette page.
What is the maximum pressure at which this item can operate?
Thank you for your inquiry engtech3. Unfortunately, the HX94C is not pressure rated.
Date published: 2022-08-19
Is the HX94C CE compliant?
The HX94C is not CE approved. The similar HX94BC is CE approved;
Best regards
Date published: 2024-04-28
What type of mating connector is used - I need to order another one.
Thanks for your question. The mating connector is listed on the Data sheet (PDF). The model number is HX94-MC. If you add to the cart it will come up to place your order. We do have stock available.
Date published: 2019-05-03
Do we need to purchase a power cable along with DPPT series?
Hi Shibo_F,
Thank you for the inquiry. Yes, you will need power/signal cable. 4 conductor twisted shielded cable, TX4-100, can be used for this purpose.
Best regards,
Date published: 2023-12-03
How is the accuracy if the probe has condensation on it? Is there an IP rating for the probe?
Hi Eddie
Thank you for the inquiry. This probe is not designed to handle condensing humidity conditions. If the sensor gets water droplets on the element it will go into saturation with max output. It would have to dry clean without corrosion to come back on line in calibration. The housing is rated NEMA 4.
Best regards
Date published: 2023-02-15
Which meter do you recommend to use with this directly to display the value?
Thank you for your inquiry. You can use our DPPT-series Platinum series universal input meter with this sensor. Here is the link to the pdf catalog:
Date published: 2023-11-22
Can I get the readings with the combination of followings? 1 HX94V + DPPT series Do I need to calibrate DPPT?
Hi Shibo_F,
The HX94V has 2 outputs so you would need 2 displays. You would need to set up and scale the display to match the calibrated range of the HX94V.
Best regards,
Date published: 2023-12-03
What are the accessories that are required for this one? To what instrument is the 4 pin connector connected?
Thank you for your inquiry. The primary accessories required are a power supply (shown under accessories) on product page, and 4 conductor cable to mate with supplied connector that would be then connected to an instrument to read the values. There are two 4-20 mA outputs (one for temperature, one for relative humidity) that can be connected to any instrument (panel meter, chart recorder, controller, etc.) that accepts a 4-20 mA signal and can be scaled to represent temperature or relative humidity.
Date published: 2023-03-28