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Oval Gear Flow Totalizer For Viscous Fluids
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- Aluminum or Stainless Body
- Higher Temperatures up to 120ºC (248ºF) (“-HT” Option)
- NPT or BSP Threads
- DIN, JIS or ANSI Connections (1" and Larger Sizes)
FPDM3006 Options de modèles
Voir tous les modèlesModifiez ces spécifications pour commander un modèle différente. Toutes les combinaisons ne sont pas valides. Les options compatibles avec les sélections précédentes seront en gras.
*Les options en surbrillance ne sont pas compatibles. Veuillez sélectionner une combinaison différente.
Flow Range
Wetted Materials
Process Connection Size
Max Operating Pressure
Max Process Temperature
Process Connection Type
The FPDM3000 Series positivedisplacement oval gear flowmetersare affordable and accurate. Oneprimary feature is the ability tomaintain consistent accuracydespite changing viscosityconditions. The meter’s solidconstruction and excellent dynamicresponse are well suited to themeasurement of many viscusfluids. Three choices of wettedmaterial combinations are availablefor compatibility with a large varietyof liquids. Since there is no needfor straight run piping upstream ordownstream of the flowmeter, theFPDM3000 flowmeters are simpleto use and to install. The meter hasgood resolution and high accuracyat low flow rates.Specifications
Accuracy: ±1% of reading
Repeatability: ±0.03%
Fitting Type
    NPT: Female
    BSP: “-BSP” option
    DIN: “-DIN” option
    JIS: “-JIS” option
    ANSI: “-ANSI” option
Total: Resettable
Accumulated-Total: Non-resettable
Minimum Viscosity: 1cPs
Maximum Viscosity: 1000 cPs standard
Strainer Size: 200 mesh (74ì)
Mounting: Shafts must be in a horizontal plane
Mounting: Pipe
Liquid Temperature: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) -40 to 120°C (-40 to 248°F) (“-HT” option)
Maximum Pressure: 3400 kPa (500 psi)
- RoHS 2015/863 - Voir le certificat
- Approuvé CE
Can this meter be used for ultra low sulphur diesel and or fish oil?. Where can these meters be recalibrated?
Thank you for your inquiry. The positive displacement flow meter can handle viscous liquids and based on the viscosity listed or shown on the data sheet you can see the different flow ranges. You may look at to assist in locating a Calibration facility in your area.
Date published: 2020-11-09