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Fils et câbles d'extension

14 produits
Twisted Shielded Thermocouple Duplex Extension Wire

Duplex thermocouple wire and extension wire, twisted and shielded with integral drain wire. Type K, J, T, or E. PVC, FEP, or PFA Insulation.

Assemblages de Câbles Pour Les Sondes, Les Capteurs et Les Transmetteurs

M12 cable with 4 pin connectors, straight or angled. Field wireable connectors available. PVC or PUR insulation. Wash-down proof, for sanitary transmitters and RTDs

Copper Extension Wire, for Sanitary RTD and Thermistor

RTD and Thermistor hook up wire with 2, 3, or 4 nickel plated copper conductors. PFA, PVC, or fiberglass insulation

Fil thermocouple diamètre fin

Single, bare, thermocouple wire spools. Type K, J, T, E, or N. Matched pairs available. Fine wire diameters from 0.02mm to 3.3mm

Câbles d'extension isolés Téflon ou soie de verre et rétractables avec connecteurs moulés pour thermocouples

Thermocouple extension cables with fixed quick disconnect connectors. PFA or fiberglass insulated wire, TFE retractable cable available.

M12 Cable, 4 pin, High Temp, Vibe Resistant, RTD, Thermistor

M12 cable with 4 pin connectors, straight or angled. FEP cable with high temp 205°C LCP connectors. Vibe tested to MIL-STD-202G

Câbles d'extension rétractables pour Thermocouples, Pt100 et thermistances

Retractable coiled cables. 2 wire thermocouple compensated material or 3 wire copper for RTD/Thermistor. TPE insulation. Many connector options available

Câbles de rallonge pour RTD avec fils rétractables ou droits

Extension cables with connectors or bare leads. Copper conductors for RTD or Thermistor. 2 or 3 wire with PFA or fiberglass insulation, or TPE retractable cable.

M12 Cable, 4 pin, Field Mountable, for Transmitters, RTD

M12 cable with 4 pin connectors, straight or angled. PFA or PVC insulation, cable armor available. Field re-wireable connectors. For transmitters and RTDs

M12 Cable, 2 wire, Vibe Resistant, Thermocouple Compensated

M12 cable with thermocouple compensated pins and wires, straight or angled. PVC over PFA insulated. Vibe tested to MIL-STD-202G

M12 & M8 Cable, 2 wire, Thermocouple Compensated

M12 or M8 cable with thermocouple compensated pins and wires, straight or angled. Silicone insulation

M12 Cable, 8 pin, for Smart Sensors, Transmitters, Dual RTD

M12 cable with 8 pin connectors, straight or angled, 7 wires + drain. 300V, shielded PVC insulation. For smart sensors, transmitters, and dual RTD sensors

M12 Cable, 2 wire, Field Mountable, Thermocouple Compensated

M12 cable with thermocouple compensated pins and wires, straight or angled. PFA or PVC insulation, cable armor available. Field re-wireable connectors.

M8 Cable, 3 pin, for RTD, Thermistor

M8 cable with 3 pin connectors, straight or angled. Silicone insulation. Field wireable connectors available. For RTD and thermistor

Fils et câbles d'extension

Omega offers thermocouple, RTD and thermistor extension wire and cable. We offer a wide variety of calibration, gauges, sheath material, insulation, connector types and shapes.
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