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Fils de thermocouple

27 produits
K Type Thermocouple Duplex Wire

Duplex thermocouple wire for Type K calibration. Available SLE accuracy. Choice of wire insulation, gage, and length.

K Type Thermocouple Extension Wire

Duplex thermocouple extension wire for Type K (KX) calibration. PFA, PVC, FEP, or fiberglass insulation

J Type Thermocouple Duplex Wire

Duplex thermocouple wire for Type J calibration. Available SLE accuracy. Choice of wire insulation, gage, and length.

Câble thermocouple Isolé Paire Plate Type T

Duplex thermocouple wire for Type T calibration. Available SLE accuracy. Choice of wire insulation, gage, and length.

Câble d'allongement thermocouple type C

Duplex thermocouple extension wire for Type C (CX) calibration. Nextel ceramic, fiberglass, or PFA insulation

Câbles d'extension pour thermocouple homologués UL

Duplex thermocouple extension wire, twisted and shielded with integral drain wire. Type K, J, T, or E. PVC Insulation. UL listed.

Fine Gage Thermocouple Duplex Wire

Duplex thermocouple wire for Type K, T, J, E, or N calibration. Fine gage sizes, AWG 30, 36, or 40. SLE or standard accuracy. PFA, Kapton, or fiberglass insulation

Fils thermocouple non isolés en platine-rhodium de petit diamètre

Single, bare, thermocouple wire spools. R/S or B. Matched pairs available. Fine wire diameters from 0.02mm to .81mm

Câbles d'extension pour sondes à RTD Pt100 et à thermistance

RTD and Thermistor hook up wire with 2, 3, or 4 nickel plated copper conductors. PFA, PVC, or fiberglass insulation

Câble thermocouple isolé paire plate type N

Duplex thermocouple wire for Type N calibration. Available SLE accuracy. Choice of wire insulation, gage, and length.

J Type Thermocouple Extension Wire

Duplex thermocouple extension wire for Type J (JX) calibration. PFA, PVC, FEP, or fiberglass insulation

R and S Type Thermocouple Extension Wire

Duplex thermocouple extension wire for Type R/S (RX/SX) calibration. PFA, PVC, FEP, or fiberglass insulation

Fil thermocouple isolé, simple, jauge fine

Single, PFA insulated, thermocouple wire spools. Type K, J, T, or E calibration. Solid or stranded wire. Available in matched pairs

E Type Duplex Insulated Thermocouple Wire

Duplex thermocouple wire for Type E calibration. Available SLE accuracy. Choice of wire insulation, gage, and length.

Fil pour thermocouple isolé par du ruban Téflon

Thermocouple wire with duplex TFE insulation. Type K, J, T, or E calibration.

T Type Thermocouple Duplex Wire

Duplex thermocouple wire for Type T calibration. Available SLE accuracy. Choice of wire insulation, gage, and length.

B Type Thermocouple Duplex Extension Wire

Duplex thermocouple extension wire for Type B (BX) calibration. PFA, PVC, FEP, or fiberglass insulation

Fils thermocouple tungstène-rhénium de petit diamètre

Single, bare, thermocouple wire or extension wire spools. Type C, G, D, or CX. Matched pairs available. Fine wire diameters from 0.08mm to .51mm

Câbles d'extension pour thermocouple gainé en PVC/Téflon PFA et tresse en cuivre étamé/acier inox

Duplex thermocouple extension wire with tinned copper overbraid. Type K, J, T, or E. PFA or PVC insulation.

Fils de thermocouple

Unrivaled thermocouple wire offers with choices of calibrations, insulation, gauge, diameter, sheath material, braiding, conductor material and color codes in lengths from 50 to 1,000 feet or more.
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